Sunday, December 12, 2010

Another interruption

So, I've been contemplating a change here. A very radical change. I've been contemplating abandoning my blog and setting up a website with a very different direction. This has been after much soul searching and trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do in this world.

The name of the site would be, or something along those lines. I haven't researched to see if the domain is taken yet. I also have no experience in web development...yet. But I do know that this is what I'm wanting to do.

The basic idea of the site is that people are cynical and they don't have to be. As we age, most of us lose our sense of wonder in the world, but the core idea behind this site would be that we don't have to. From there it would be part personal development, part discussion of media and how it either helps or harms our sense of wonder (with plenty of satire to be had by all), and the occasional artifact, either in picture, or video form, to show that the world is incredibly wonderful, no matter how much we've already seen.

If anybody else is interested in where I'm going with here, please give me feedback. I'm only contemplating it now, and it would take a lot of work, but I think it would be an excellent use of my time here on the planet.