Sunday, January 2, 2011

This is what "Non Sellout" music sounds like

This is the first song of musician Pogo's new album. For those of you who don't know who Pogo is, he has made a ton of remixes of popular media. Then he got an even cooler idea: He decided to remix the sounds of the world. He doesn't have any corporate sponsors for this project, so he needs help in the form of purchasing his music. Basically, if he runs out of money to keep making the tracks, then he has to stop. Listen to the video and tell me honestly there's no value in buying his tracks. The video here is a remix of Joburg, South Africa. His next remix is Tibet.

And for the record, I'm not supporting him because I'm some kind of promoter or anything like that. It's just that his music really inspires me.

You can support him here.

Renewed Wonder

Renewed Wonder is the name I've decided on for a website I've decided to create. I'm still in the early stages of design, making sure everything is in order before I go out and spend money on a domain and hosting. Also, I DON'T KNOW THE FIRST THING ABOUT WEB DESIGN. Needless to say, this will be fun at the least. I'm hoping this at least draws some serious interest. Here's the synopsis I plan on putting on the main page:

Renewed Wonder

The point of this website is to help you regain a sense of wonder in your life.

Do you remember what life was like as a child? Do you remember how everything was constantly new for you? Do you remember how amazing everything was and how you looked at the world in such a way that it seemed like everything was exciting? My child has this. Every night before bed time he insists on seeing the moon, and he barrages me with a million questions about it, usually the same questions every night. Either way, he loves the moon. It’s this big, mysterious object in the sky and it really is something to watch him.

Some of us experienced this as children, but have forgotten this feeling by the time we’ve reached adulthood. Others were put in unfortunate situations as children where they grew up too fast and never really had the chance to experience a childhood like this. Still, there is the group of people who saw the world that way as children and still do, every single day. To these people, it’s like the world is constantly changing. While that change may be for the better or worse, they still see the outrageous beauty of it.

If you count yourself in the last group, then you are very fortunate, because there are few people who experience this in their lives. You are certainly in the minority. If you are in the first or second groups, don’t despair, because it’s not too late for you to experience a life like this.

My name is Casey Young, and I have made it my personal mission to help people understand that the world doesn’t make sense, and that’s okay. I want people to walk the earth in a constant state of wonder. I want to help people free themselves from themselves. I’ve started this site for this reason alone. This site isn’t just about pointing out interesting things in the world and saying “Ooh, look at that, wow.” While that may be a component of my site, I’m also about changing the mind frames of people, and showing them the mental blocks and attitudes that keep them from actually enjoying life. I also am a fan of absurdism because it teaches people that life can be quite silly at times, so we might as well just sit back and enjoy the ride. I mean, you’re already on the roller coaster, right? Why close your eyes and shiver when you can throw your arms up and scream at the top of your lungs? Which is more fun?

At this site you can expect to see:

1. Wonderful, fantastic things – They’re only wonderful if you open your mind up to them.

2. Articles designed to help people shed their cynicism and fear- You’re better off without either of them.

3. Information aimed at self-improvement – because growth and wonder often go hand in hand.

4. Satire/blatant mockery – I only aim to satirize the little things in our lives that make us feel annoyed or disgusted at the world, things like terrible advertisements on T.V or radio. If I can make somebody smile and discourage boneheaded thinking at the same time, then it’s a win-win.

5. Analysis of Media – More specifically, the valuable lessons behind everyday media, or the terrible lack thereof.

“Yeah, but all of that seems somewhat trivial. I don’t want to be entertained. I want a better life!”

I know that when you see the above listed things this can seem like just an entertainment site, but I promise that I can help you in real practical ways. Remember: the point of this site is to feel wonder in your life again. Here’s how I can practically help you:

Career Satisfaction: There are three kinds of people in careers. The wealthy and unhappy, the poor and unhappy, and the wealthy and happy. I suppose there are those who may be happy with a minimum wage job, but I sure wasn’t. I can help you find the direction you need to do something that brings you both wealth and happiness.

Soul Satisfaction: My goal with this site is also to advise people and help them grow. I earnestly hope that any information I can contribute will improve the quality of people's lives and help them see the wonder of the world. I also give practical advice on how to do the things the heart really yearns for.

Relationship advice: I'm no relationship doctor, but I do know that some relationships, whether with significant others or other family, can really put a damper on your personal happiness and cloud your thinking - If you allow them too.

Other stuff: Um, anything else I can think of that's relevant.

So that's the basic pitch, sound out and let me know what you think!