Thursday, March 4, 2010

What if the cute blonde at French Fry palace gave you your receipt again?

You can't help but think that she's flirting with you. The last two days she did the same thing. You came in, ordered your food, and then instead of just throwing your receipt away or even asking you if you wanted to keep it, she personally handed it to you. The only logical conclusion is that she wants you. You can almost sense the want emnating from her as she unenthusiastically pushes a bunch of complicated buttons on her register.

She seems like a real rebel. She chews gum on the job even though she probably isn't supposed to. She has her nose pierced in such a way that it looks like she has a wart, which her boss probably isn't happy with because it probably turns away a lot of customers. Also, instead of wearing a hat like the other employees, she wears a hairnet, as though she's saying "screw you" to the man.

Most importantly, she's giving you all this extra attention. She asks you if you want to upgrade your drink today.

"No thanks,"

You say, and then you smile and wink at her.

She hands you your receipt once again. Not only that, she scratches her left ear, which is probably totally a female code for something. You're sure now. You are certain of it. She's practically begging you to ask her out. The question remains though, how will you ask her?

For someone as subtle as her, someone so sublime, you decide that you cannot just be direct. Just the way that she dropped hints at you, you must return the subtlety. When she brings out your food to you, you say thank you, look her in the eyes, and then you rub your nose while winking at her.

"Um sir," she'll say, "Are you okay? Do you need a tissue or something?"

Even more hints. Nobody gives a tissue without wanting to go out with you. You insist that you are okay, and then tap on the nearby table seven times to represent seven O'clock. She thanks you and then turns to the person behind you and decides to make it difficult for you.

"Hello, welcome to fry palace. How can I help you today?"

She's playing hard to get. You decide to assert your persistance by scratching your chin. After a long pause, you'll finally move out of the way so the person behind you can order. After taking the order, she'll call out somebody else's number, and then pull out a Gameboy. She will seem irresistable with her old school gaming device. You'll walk up with a gallant stride and say.

"So, a Gameboy, hunh?"

"Alright," she'll say. "Seven O'Clock. Just quit begging me already, sheesh."

She'll ask you where you're taking her. You'll say French Fry Palace because you are cheap and a douche. The date will appear to go fine until half way into it, she'll start working and hand a receipt back to another guy. Try not to worry about it. Love is fickle like that.

Now you know.